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We accept children ages 0-4 yrs old, below is a breakdown of what we focus on for each age group. You must call or email to schedule a visit prior to being accepted into the school. You can plan a visit, or inquire about tuition rates by call or email with the contact information below. The application/wait pool form can be found at the bottom of this page.



0-1 yrs old

0-6 month, following the child’s individual rhythm and creating a secure bond through genuine care:  We focus on getting to know your child and helping them develop a strong sense of security through attachment. No set nap time yet, lots of TLC and eye contact, plenty of tummy time and gentle age-appropriate stimulation.


6 months-1year, Physical scaffolding and discovery of the world around:

We take great care in stimulating all areas of your child's motor development as well as transitioning to solid food and sleep training when the time is right for you and your child. We provide safety and encouragement as they become aware of, and ready to explore the rich environment provided by the school. Following the development of your child we have plenty of oral sensory toys for when they start teething etc., to help them through this crucial time in their growth.


1-3 yrs old

1-2 yr olds

The self, the world around

As mobility progresses and crawling/walking begin we assist your child in discovering the world around them in the safest way possible. Based on each child’s readiness we provide hands-on sensory play for them to explore. We encourage thumb index crab grab, self-feeding, and the continuous development of fine motor skills all at the pace of each child. As their personalities, and sense of self emerge, we guide them in choosing situations that will bring a strong sense of agency, competency, and autonomy. Baby sign language is paired with French, and English  to promote the toddler’s growing language skills.   


2-3 yr olds

language, and boundaries

As toddlers start to develop their language skills, we implement a progressive development by carefully monitoring each child’s interaction with the world and others. We help them build up their vocabulary to further express needs, likes and dislikes, and boundaries. We help negotiate with friends, respect others boundaries, while being able to create their own. Singing and story time are a big part of the curriculum to further engage their vocabulary. This also marks the beginning of potty training, we work with you and the kids to know when is the best time to start. We are more than happy to share anecdotes, and your child’s progress at drop off and pick up times. Your questions and concerns are always welcomed and valued.


3-4 yrs old

Fostering creativity and confidence while solidifying the foundation of learning:

Your child’s personality blossoms through their natural desire and persistence to learn. We follow their queues and offer experiences that deepen their understanding of the world. Through play, group and individual activities, along with careful scaffolding as they familiarize themselves with new concepts. We make sure they grow strong foundations for literacy, math, science, and creative problem solving. Singing, rhyming, story reading and telling, print and symbols recognition are brought daily to their attention. Gross and fine motor work continue as needed, naturally leading to progress in age-appropriate drawing and writing.


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